Monday, November 28, 2011

Ho ho ho

Now I know it's only the 28 November - but I am getting in the Christmas spirit.

I'm an eager beaver.

So our Christmas tree is up.

Went to the shops and bought me a Christmas Tree, tree decoration and lights. Yup - we're in our first home and need our first Christmas tree. An it's the really big-big-big one. For once, I'm really doing the Christmas Ho Ho Ho.

Santa would be proud!

Monday, November 14, 2011

The finish line

I can see it... it's almost there, just right around the corner.

The finish line - the end of the year - the holidays - a break.

But fuck me, I am tired. I am crawling to the finish line. Holidays are only about a month away but every day feels like a brick hanging off my right nipple... painful.

I just need a break. I am over worked.

I am like the lady in the image above - she's too tired to even get to the finish line. Oh, and how's the wing-wang-china-chick taking a picture of her - haha, typical.

Can the holidays just come the fuck faster?

Kids today

After looking after children and tutoring them on their school work, I have come to the conclusion that kids today don't care - they don't give a rats arse.

Gone are all the days when I was young, and kids my age would do their homework without a huff or a puff, or an excuse, or a negotiation ... and the list goes on and on until I'm bored.

My favourite line from them is "I don't care!"

Stacey: "So let's do your homework."

Child: "I don't care."

Stacey: "If you don't do your homework you will fail!"

Child: "I don't care."

It's as if children today don't care if they fail; they don't care if they get good marks, they don't care if they don't get a job later on in life and they don't care if all their friends pass and they stay behind a grade.

Kids today do not comprehend how hard life is. They just think they'll live off mommy or daddy's money. They don't realise the importance of education. I don't expect children to be worried about their furture per say, but at least give a damn.
They'd much rather play outside instead of using their brains. It's very sad to see a child who is not ambitious or wants to do well. It's even more sad when they don't care.

I'm not saying all kids are like this and I am not saying that I was an angel - but at least I cared. I didn't have to be monitored, or asked a million times to do my work. Now a days, parents have to become the slaves to their kids.

Mom to child: "Here you go my eight your old boy, I'll spoon feed you with your homework. I'll even wipe your bum if need be."

Friday, November 4, 2011

Quarter of a century

It's my birthday!!! 25 today - a quarter of a century.

Shit, I'm closer to 30 then 20 now. Yes - 25 is a good age!

My birthday's are always thought provoking.

Happy birthday to me!