Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The burning loins book

Hello dear followers!
Wow, it's been long since I've blogged. It feels good to feel the keyboard under my fingers and my mind starting to be creative again. And what's even better is blogging with Frank Sinatra blaring in the background and a glass of wine next to me.

And wow, such a wonderful way to come back to blogging with a BANG.......


Yes, I am sure you all know of this book already. The sex scenes..... Mr Grey. (I can feel my loins starting to heat up already.)
YES, I most certainly recommend this book. It is my new favourite book to read. My new favourite 'sex toy' if you will - I mean come on, who reads this book and doesn't get horny and jump their husbands?

Wow I can remember the first time my eyes met with the words... how the pages seduced me into a addicted focus. How the words would go into my mind, my eyes filling with gloried visions and my loins starting to heat up. (Seriously, at some point, you could cook a steak on them.)

With turning up everyone's sex life, I think this book has replaced many a flavoured condom, dildo and wierd looking sex toy that lines any porno shop. Even the conservative few sneak a read under their sheets. It certainly perked up mine and I am ever so thankful to E.L.James for that. Noddy badge, or free dildo, for her!

So next time you either lacking in the sex department or looking for a good read - 50 Shades baby! And at least when the electricity is out, you'll be amused for hours with reading this book and hey... you can cook your meal on those burning loins!