Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Read the label

Eating food found in shops now adays is like sticking a gun in your mouth... they both kill you. Now I'm not talking about ice cream, greasy pies that have been sitting in the store oven for days and ready-made meals... I am talking about the most simplest of food groups and food items on the shelves like Oros, jam, cheese, tomato sauce. We think they are healthy but here's a wake up call.. they are NOT.

Rewind and in a nut shell... went on holiday, felt like shit, felt unhealthy and decided to go on a detox/eating plan. No, not a new years resolution (as I started on 27 Dec 2012) but an intentional decision to get my body right (not necessarily to lose weight, however if I do I'm not complaining), but to feel healthy.

For 3-4 days I cut out dairy, carbs and sugar. I almost died. Literally I felt like death on sticks. I vomited, had a runny tummy and slept for an entire day. I also cut out flavorants and preservatives. Did you know that mostly EVERYTHING in a shop has preservatives or flavourants. You may as well not even walk into your local food shop and just eat soil in your backyard. Everything is full of S.H.I.T. Everything. If you want a shock in your life, go grocery shopping and take the time to read the labels. Now I am not talking about the protein and carb content, etc etc, I am talking about the additional ingredients like CITRIC ACID and all the other unhealthy stuff they put into the food. Every ingredient being a 'bullet' into your mouth. It's actually disgusting. Now adays I always check the labels. YOU SHOULD TOO!

The detox being so drastic I decided I could not survive like this - having no energy and continual cravings (salivating at the look of sugary things) is not good. So I decided to adapt the eating plan and bring in substitutes.

Xylitol for sugar; rye for wheat and rice milk for dairy (which I LOVE by the way). I have also purchased numerous health products like lentils, colon cleanser fibre, Quinoa (VERY HIGH IN AMINO ACIDS) and other bits and bobs. Off to the health shop and a purchase of a crap load of vitamins included this new type of grocery shopping. Not forgetting my honey-eyed ginger herbal tea.

Yes it's been 13 days and I'm converted! I have adapted and learnt to love the healthy way of eating. Avoid diets, they just making you cranking and hungry. This new way of healthy substitutes, vitamins and detox is the way to go. I am an addict for the good food, the real good food :)