Monday, May 13, 2013

It's snot cold...

Traffic is a bitch. It is what it is. So it's either... get up at sparrows fart, leave late and sit in hours of traffic picking your nose or banging the steering wheel from frustration, or get a bike (or scooter.)

As my friend 'Lady Pants' sent me...

So getting a bike, or scooter, sounds like a good idea. BUT... it's winter and it's cold out, very cold. So although I would get a kick ass, glitterfied scooter like this (scoot'in in style):

...after an hours drive in the freezing cold darkness of the morning, I'd rock up at work looking like this:

So yes, although my snot would be iced to my face (looking very attractive and all)... I'd be early.
And with the many hills and high inclines along my journey to work, the scooter's speed would be reduced to this (who said driving like a granny isn't cool):

So yes, a scooter or bike is on the list of possible things to get. And hey, it'll save me on petrol AND better yet... a moustache wax, as nothing pulls out lip hair better than iced snot.