Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Something off the bucket list

Ok, so I've done another thing on the 'bucket list' - I have been on TV.

A talk show about panic attacks, I was the person who announced to the world that I have panic attacks and suffer from anxiety and stress.

Ironically, I almost had one before I went on the show. Bright lights and LIVE television (aired on 2 July 2013) is enough to make anyone shit their pants. With tears in my eyes and a dry mouth, I had bravely went where I had never been before.

But wow, what an experience.
I love TV with all its 'glamour'. Being in a studio with it's stage set up, lights and camera's is something that I have always wanted to do.

I also got to meet Noeleen, a local TV talk show celebrity. She's no Oprah Winfrey but hey, it's one of my little claims to fame. It's always exciting to meet a celeb, regardless how famous or not they are.

So the show was recorded, however... there's no way I want to watch it. Although curiosity will kill the cat, I'll watch it by myself in a dark cave and cringe the entire time. Hearing your own voice is an awful experience to endure.

But hey.. I've been on TV and here's for another tick off the bucket list. TICK.