Wednesday, January 15, 2014

To be read 15-01-2019

Dear me,

I saw an article about how this girl wrote a letter to herself to be opened in 10 years. I thought it was a great idea. I'll do the same. But this blog post must only be read on 15 January 2019. (Hopefully computers wouldn't have transformed into something that blogs can't be read on and hopefully this blog will still exist.)

So how are you Stace? As I write this I am 27. You reading this when you are 32. Holy shit, 32! Wow... are you living the life I always thought of having when I was in my 30's? I can't wait for my 30's - stability, grounded, homely. They say 30's are your glory years? I laugh if you're reading this and you're living a nomad life like a hippie, in the middle of the tribal village in the Amazon. Am I still married to Chris? I think I would be, I hope so. Do we have children? Oh I hope so by that age. I think we'll have a baby girl by that age (she's probably between 1.5 and 2 years old, and actually... you could be pregnant with twin boys as you read this. (Wow, I wonder if my predictions are true!)

Regarding our doggies (our babies)... Lady has probably past, maybe even Harry and Sally (or they are grey and very very old). Dontay is probably nice and relaxed now, like Tyson was at the mid-age. Enzo, Milton and Odis probably wouldn't have changed a bit, although Odis is toothless and Milton is now fully homosexual. So I am guessing we're left with only four dogs as you read this?

Have you travelled? I sincerely hope you went to Bali this year (2014) like you wanted to and I sincerely hope you went to Germany sometime in the past years gone by. Or went on a volunteer program overseas with Chris?
How's Chris doing? Is he at a good job or working for himself? Right now he has this passion for cooking. So as you read this I hope he's doing some great things with cookery. Maybe he's the next Jamie Oliver or Justin Banello? Nah, I don't he would go that way. But maybe he's the Braaimaster champion that we entered? I wonder how he looks, probably still young with those beautiful brown eyes? I wonder if he'll be a house husband?
Where are you two living now? Did you ever move to Cape Town and try it out that side? What does your home look like now? Please tell me it's a big house that is homely?
And how is your debt. I shit you not, if you are not debt-free when you read this, your 27 year old self is going to jump though the screen and beat you!

Career wise? How is this going for you? Are you self-employed? An author? Writing this now (2014) I actually don't know where you will be, but I think you'll be successful. I think you'll be working less and earning a lot of passive income.

I think you'll be sitting there having learnt a SHIT load and have more life lessons under your belt. I think you'll be looking back thinking "wow, your 20's was a learning curve. Never going through that again."

As for family and friends, Leigh is probably on her second child (I think it'll be a boy), Dad and Bridge are cruising around the world on a yacht or travelling the world, Samantha is finishing off her Masters at UCT, Zayne is probably the same but sports a young baby (I think a girl), Rosie has bought a big boat and is self-employed and mom is no longer working but is spending all her time with Rosie and helping others and well family dynamics have changed but for the better. As for friends, I think you would have cut a lot of people out of your life and now have a very tight group of friends.

So to the 32 year old Stacey, as you read this just know that I (27 year old) hope everything works out for you. That you are where you wanted to be. That life treated you well. That you are, above all things, happy.

All my love,
Stace (27 year old)

Friday, January 3, 2014

The things not 'bloggered' about

So Nelson Mandela died. I did not blog about that.

As a South African, I should have. But I didn't. I only really felt the true sorrow, and simultaneous admiration, when I watched his movie. So here it is in three simple words. RIP Nelson Mandela.

New years has come and gone. I didn't blog about that. I am not bloggered. Nor did I write a review of my 2013 year, nor about my 2014 new years resolutions. And instead of doing a whole blog, it's much simpler to only say 3 simple words. Happy New year!

The thing is, with so many monumental things going on and having happened, there is so much to blog about. But frankly, right now, I am just not bloggered.