Thursday, June 11, 2015

Give it a name because you fear it

Life is hard for everyone at the moment. All around me I see people depressed, unhappy and 'bipolar'. I put 'bipolar' into inverted commas because ... well you'll see just now. They say the outer is the inner, but in this case specifically these people are just confirming how happy I am.

I have not written a blog in a while. I have so much to talk about, have experienced so much growth, but I'm in such a space of truth that whatever I say will be truth - in-your-face truth. Some may think I'm going mad, others won't understand it or argue it. But I thought I'd write tonight for those that will relate. So, let the truth be told. I've stood in my own truth for so long, now it's time to share it.

Instead of going into detail, let's make this short and sweet. A lot of shit has gone down lately... enough for anyone to go jumping off a cliff or singing happily at the top of their voices with joy. A rollercoaster if you will. But overall, despite bad things happening, I've maintained this overall positivity. Some may call it hyper 'bipolar', others have called it manic, or forced. I was called hyper 'bipolar' recently, as well as manic positive - neither one correct, neither one having anything to do with me. Let me explain. But before I do, it erked me when they called me this. It made me question myself. And there is nothing worse when you know yourself and question it. But hey, this questioning made me write this blog and realise a few things.

When anyone is too down or too happy, humans naturally look at this as abnormal. It makes them uncomfortable. This constant willingness to see the positive in everything, to constantly feel this vibration of happiness is so out of their own realm that they want to put a name on it and place in the corner. Touched by no one - keeping it a secret. It's like humans have been indoctrinated to feel down, to feel unhappy and it's if being happy is going to be bad. Like a flu virus. This positive energy is going to touch others, and in society this is wrong. I'm not talking about being chucky cheese and having a constant unnatural smile on your face 24.7. I do have down moments, but not those that will place me in the 'bipolar' category. That's normal but overall I am positive. I am a happy spiritual being. That's why people look at me and think I am forcing it. That I'm making it unnatural. No, actually.... it's unnatural for YOU to be unhappy and down. Can't you see the truth? Who is to say your way is right? How can my positive way be wrong?

Bringing this back to the point, mankind has placed labels on things. Being positive is not hyper 'bipolar'. Shocker - this illness does not exist. It only exists only in this man-made name. We as humans are supposed to be happy and positive constantly. As souls, we're supposed to float in this positive vibrant energy. But humans and society have claimed otherwise. So before you take me to a doctor, make me swallow pills that will make me numb.... have a think about us as humans, our beliefs systems, what we were taught. And before you wait to watch me hit my low after my high, slice a knife across my wrist and cry.... please know you'll be wasting your time. Once you're in this new realm, this new shift you can see emotions for what they are and embrace them.... one smile at a time

And remember that we're all mirrors. So if you see someone who is happy and it annoys you, ask yourself... why are you not as happy? What is irritating me about them being happy? If you try and be a doctor and medically diagnose someone, remember that you're just seeing yourself and you're trying to reflect your own 'illness' on them. Misery loves company.

Before I end this, please note that if you've been diagnosed with bipolar or any other relatable illness for chemical/body reasons, I agree to that. Then it's not an emotional/mental based 'illness' but a chemical one which medication can find a balance.

So be happy. It's the only option and may you spread this happiness everywhere. WHether you force it in the beginning, or wonder why you've been so happy for so long and when you low will come, or why you look at the positive when a negative hits, don't ask why.... just embrace it.