Sunday, January 1, 2017

Control & demand: The mind speaks to the body

2016 came and went with so many life lessons learnt without the written blogs to go with them - time went so fast and learning was a frequently fast occurrence. However, all jotted down I shall go through the list of blog topics and write them all out. It's the 1 January 2017 and what a perfect day to reflect, blog and let go.

First up on the lessons learnt ladder of life is the blog of The mind speaks to the body. As the saying goes, the body speaks the mind, and what manifests in the mind will eventually rear its emotionally-induced head in the body through illness. While emotions, negative thoughts and a negative mind frame causes dis-ease within the body all by its powerful subconscious self, I've learnt that the mind can also speak to the body consciously to heal what has already come to bodily fruition. Sure, we all know that the mind is the most powerful tool and can affect the body, but when you feel it and experience this it really sinks in on a cellular level to the point of mind control and body demand.

Most folk aren't ignorant to the money-driven medical field that is and know full well that diseases are man-made, with medicines pumped into our systems all with the intention to create more illness, which means more money from individuals. Most people avoid antibiotics like the plague; I do as well. The word 'anti' should scare people off from the get go with 'antibiotics' described as going against the natural ecosystem. Who the hell wants to put something into their body that goes against it's natural form? However, when faced with a periodontal abscess like I did and basically having a ball bag of pus hanging off your cheek, sometimes happy thoughts render the pain ever-increasing with only medicine to resort to.

Oh how I love when the medicine I take creates more bodily symptoms, which will be soothed by more medicine purchased by people but not me. Who knew that while my face was getting better, my digestive system was wrecking havoc and my vagina almost took a trip to the itchy farm. While suffering from antibiotic-induced symptoms, I promised myself to not rectify these further symptoms and justify the money-hungry medical field by purchasing more poverty-creating antibiotics. I would allow my body to heal itself and to give it back its power lost by swallowing unnatural pills. I affirmed that my body would heal itself.

Time passed and my lower private regions resorted back to their normal selves, however, the ball bag on my cheek returned. While in the know, having researched the abscess, I became well educated on the causes, symptoms and just how many infectious bacteria lies in the body. A scary concept. But a realisation which prompted present and future enhanced bodily care. Dis-ease always goes away faster or is less panicked over when one knows what one has. Once bitten, once medicated, twice aware and trebled self-care. I advise everyone to truly take care of themselves in more ways than normally done so to prevent future dis-ease and suffering from the same disease or temporary illness.

With the return of the abscess, and haunted by the additional symptoms, I was not going to buy the same harmful antibiotics and inflict bowl and vagina problems onto myself again. I would not only allow my body to heal itself through it's own affirmed power, but this time I would also demand that it get better - I would demand the abscess to leave. Positive thoughts turned to mind control. Mind control to heal the body on demand.

This blog is not to state what is already known, that the mind and its thought can heal the body through usual positive thoughts, but the purpose of this blog is to tell everyone that the mind can also heal the body through mind control and subsequent body demand. This takes positive thinking to a whole new level. It's time to bloster your thinking. Get what I am saying?