Monday, March 5, 2018

A million thoughts and a cuppa coffee

5 March 2018 marks the first official week of self-employment.

I resigned from my full-time job with my last day of corporate life ending last week Wednesday. Now that the rush of last-minute to-dos has stopped and the high rise of emotions has now settled, this morning sees me with a cuppa coffee and a million thoughts of how to conquer the world in this new phase of my life.

Only me, Stacey, and my brain, would see me sipping on a hot cuppa coffee at 6.30am contemplating my impact on life. All this on my first day of what I considered my 'Sabbatical Of Stacey Seeking' (SOSS).

Questions pondering:
1. What is my impact in life? What is my purpose?
2. Am I bored? How do I stop this feeling of being bored, if in fact I am actually bored?
3. How can I discourage my brain from thinking of resorting back to old ways, full-time jobs etc?
4. How do I find the enthusiasm to start getting things done on my long list of things to do?
5. How am I going to ease into this new phase of my life and bring all that I desired into action?

All this thinking within 10 minutes of getting up and drinking my coffee. I mean, seriously, who does this much thinking so early in the morning. Give yourself a break Stacey.

Remind yourself Stacey of the following:
1. You have lots to do - whether actual work, housework, self-work
2. It's now only 10.21am and you have already done so much. You have set up email signature, you have cleaned your office desk, emailed and contacted clients regarding different work issues, written a newsletter for a client etc
3. There is lots to keep you busy for the rest of the day - articles to be written, hogs to be cleaned, much business admin and marketing to be done, proposals to send out, this and that to be confirmed. And all this in your first day with loads more to be done in the next few days.. and within this new phase of your life
4. You have finally started blogging again - and found much joy and peace of mind in writing this simple blog post

You got this.

Your SOSS needs no SOS. This is a process. A process takes time. Give this journey time. Breathe.

Stacey, let this be your affirmation for the day: "I have done well, am doing well, I will do well. I am busy but I take it slow. I calmly ease into this new phase and allow the Universe to unveil what it is meant to unveil. I took a big step to find my passion, to find self-time, and I allow time to do just that. All is well within as it is without. All is well now as it will be then. I release old thinking and self-pressure. And it is so."