Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life as I know it...

I'm moving in two days. Oh hairy balls!

I haven't had time to do anything, let alone fart. Seriously.

No, the boxes above are not mine - I haven't even started. Again... oh hairy balls!

I have to start tonight.

Well at least I've done the following:

- Arranged the carpet cleaner to come in..... check
- Arranged the cleaner to come in ......... check
- Got boxes and sticky tape to close them ........ check

Oh dear, this weekend is going to be ab-so-lute madness. Juggle moving with a thousand and one face painting jobs and what you get is a mess. A cock up!

I swear, everything comes at once. At least one of the face painting jobs is for a top club - yup - Noddy badge for me!

I also cut my hair. Gone with his hair!
From half way down my back, it's now above my shoulders and I love it. No more spending hours trying to comb the multitude of knots that infested my 'hair' or birds-nest. Yes, this hair is more fitting for my age. Me likey.

I have also been the proud owner of an eye infection. I rocked up at the eye doctor and said "I have no money, can you please help me" - how's that for cheap? But it's on the mend and I no longer have to walk around with something that resembles pink eye.

Work is hectic. Beyond hectic. Overwhelmed is putting it lightly.

I feel like I am living three separate lives at the moment. Everything is disorganised and up in the air. I think once I move, the seas will calm and everything will be great.

I am looking very forward to moving. A new change, a nice new beginning.

Just hope I can get my head around this whole moving thing ... shit, there's a lot to do. One thing at a time Stacey... one thing at a time.

So all in all, life as I know it - is a mess, but a good mess.

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