Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tooth Fairy

They say children with a missing tooth look cute.

Try a 24 year old... and your answer is... NO.

This is me today.

My front bottom tooth fell out whilst eating pizza. Oh my Fuck!

Bring on the water works!

But wait, I could use this gap as a cigarette holder, ain't that nifty!

I couldn't actually believe it. Fuck the tooth fairy - I don't want your money and I don't want to give you my tooth.

I raced to the dentist like a snake on steroids. (Don't forget that the water works are flooding during the drive...)

I was lucky enough that the dentist could help me, although was not to comforting. But hey, I lost my broken off piece of tooth somewhere in the dentist chair. Whose the bitch now? A little gift for my appreciation.

I now have a temporary tooth (not correctly sized though) and a mental scar.

You dream about loosing your tooth in your nightmares and not once do you think this will happen. Oh my fuck

I don't want to sport the "beggar/bergie" look thank you very much.

Leigh (my sister)... I have lived out your worst nightmare...

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