Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Noddy badge for me - I am joining the gym.

Curves here I come.

I signed up today and will have my first appointment - where the people show me the ropes - on Saturday morning. Then it's hitting the gym three, or more, times a week.

I do love my curves, but I love Curves more.

It's time!

It's time to start eating healthy and working out.(I found varicose veins on my legs and realised that I ain't getting any younger.)

Monday night - Salad (although I loathe the stuff)
This evening - Sweet potato and chorizo soup (A recipe by Jamie Oliver.... Jamie eat your heart out.)
Wednesday night - Pea and ham soup

It's all about the nutritional value.

Guess what - we found pomegranates in a tree in the estate. Do you even know the amount of nutritional value in a single pomegranate? This is all very exciting.

Let's hope my enthusiasm doesn't run out and I end up stuffing my face with a whole chocolate cake, whilst vegetating, in a week...

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