Friday, July 29, 2011

I now live in the North Pole

I now live in the North Pole*

Actually I don't ... but people seem to think that I do.

Hartbeespoort Dam is a 35/40 minute drive out of Johannesburg, but people seem to think that it is FARRRR away.. as in the other side of the world.

You wouldn't believe how many comments I have received from people saying "you live so far away!"

So yes, now I live in the "North Pole" so I take it that I won't be seeing your arses anytime soon.

(In a sarcastic tone) Yes, when visiting Stacey you'll need to take the following:

A 45 minute car trip to airport.
A 12 hour flight to my area
Then a two hour bus drive
and to top it off, a 3.1536 sec car drive to my front door.

Gee whiskers - the amount of energy and effort you'll need to take to come visit me. Funny enough - it only takes me 40 minutes to get to your front door!?

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