Friday, September 23, 2011


So, who of you out there are pissing your pants for this dreaded day?

The big 2012. The end of the world?

After much conversations, research and reading up on this day - I have come to the conclusion that the world is not going to end.

You can breath now. (Although I stand to be corrected)

My interpretation is that the world won't end, but there will be a consciousness shift. All that we know now like our high-paced lives; cars and technology (of which we are screwed if the electricity bombs out); shopping at Spar and other 21st century conveniences will be lost.

Bring on the bushman times, wearing lamb skinned bikinis and farming.

I am actually looking forward to it. No jokes.

In this very hectic life we live in now we have lost ourselves - our connection to the divine (God) and our connection to our spirits. We will be taken back to the stone age where people just used the basics of life. The earth now, of which we have been abusing at an extreme rate is pulling the finger at us.

Earth: "I gave you my hand and you bit off my arm."

I'm looking forward to a more simpler time.

Yes, a lot of people will die. Some people will not be able to cope. Some of the rich and famous will not be able to survive on farm products alone. But hey - give P.Diddy a gold necklace whilst he farms and I am sure he will be fine.

My advice is to stock up on canned goods. As KOO spaghetti is my favourite - I'll be sure to stock up on that!

People will remain in close communities. So to all my friends and family... you can come live on the farm with me.

In all seriousness though, if the world does end or if it is only a consciousness shift amongst humans - may I be close with my dogs, family and friends.

May we from now on, appreciate the earth and it's resources. May we from now on appreciate each other. May we from now on appreciate the Divine and appreciate our souls.

On the night before the day - I'll be sitting around my dogs and family, eating my favourite foods (preferably take-out as that will no longer exist); watching my favourite movie... or praying... or hugging my family.

Let Dec 2012 not make you live in fear, make it live your life. Everyday.

I am not making a mockery of this day, nor God's plan, nor the earth's way of eradicating the abusers.. I am just not fearful of this day. It's destiny.

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