Monday, October 31, 2011

Smurf: too unrealistic even to be a fairytale

I watched the Smurf movie last night.

Yes it's a cute movie, and entertaining, but I spent the whole time analyzing how unrealistic this movie is. Yes it's a fairytale, but it's so unrealistic that it falls short of even being a fairytale. Fairytales at least have equal men and woman, societal roles and good and evil.

Any child, after watching this movie, is bound to be royally screwed up.

It paints a inaccurate reinterpretation of life and society.

Child: "Wow mom, I want to live in a land where there are 99 men and ONE female."

Mom: "Sorry son, only in the Smurf world"

Child: "Wow dad, I want to live in a land where there are 99 young people and ONE old person. We can be young forever."

Dad: "Only in the Smurf World"

Child: "Wow mom, I want to live to 556 years, like papa smurf does."

Mom: "You'd have to have a smurf body for that. Better yet, become a smurf!"

With Smurfette being the only female, I think the Papa Smurf gave birth to all 99 smurfs. Yes in this 'realistic' movie I think Papa Smurf also has a fanny. It's possible, you know, in the Smurf world!

... I kept trying to figure out WHAT type of animal the smurf was.

A smurf has a bunny tail, but is not a bunny?
A smurf have un-proportioned feet, but does not topple over?
A smurf has a chest, but no belly button or nipples?
Blue. Really?

Yes, any child seeing a smurf is bound to have a weird idea of the human body. And if the saying - "big feet, big dick" - is true, then these smurfs would have penises the same size as their bodies!? Yet their white pants seem to have no lump or protrusion? Wow, I think all big-dicked men should get the smurfs underpants!
And on top of that smurfette is a woman, but has no boobs? How can one differentiate between the sexes (besides Smurfette's blonde hair). But in speaking of that - blonde hair on a blue animal? Really?

I'm still boggled about this movie.

Maybe I should stick to Snow white, or some other 'normal' fairytale. At least in Snow white there may be dwarfs, but they are clearly men and just plain midgets.

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