Friday, December 2, 2011

Charging on wheels

We as humans are a 'consumer' race. All we do is buy. Weekends come, and we shop. Like ants to a candy bar. We've become materialistic. Well, I'm not one of those ants. If I wear 5 year old clothes, hey - I'm cool with that. Staring at window displays and walking around shopping centres where people are so squashed they intrude on your personal space... so close that you can smell their armpits or get swashed with their forehead sweat. Yes, that's not for me. I'd rather be another 'bug'.
(Yes you stupid ants - I judge you!)

As I'm not a shopper, it's not every day I find a great buy.

But the other day I found it. I bought a car charger from a man on the side of the street. Best buy ever people - especially when you use your phone as much as I do. Mine should be permanently glued to my right ear. (hey - it could actually be used as an earring!)

For R50 bucks, I get a fully charged phone and also the sweet release of no stress. I've had so many times where my batt has gone flat. Chris, my hubi-to-be, always says I never charge my phone. But hey, I love the thrill of going to work with 10% battery and seeing how long it lasts. It's an adrenalin rush for the poor.

Advert for poor Adrenalin junkie-wannabies:

"Got no money. Can't afford sky diving or bungi jumping... leave your phone uncharged. There's nothing like watching the battery bars go down - it's totally stimulating."

Now I never have to worry about my battery dying if I break down, or have an accident or need to phone a client or friend. Yes, best R50 bucks I have spent in a long time. And what's even better is that it works. With my smoking and having my car for 6 years - the cigarette lighter was over used and stopped working. But when plugging in my charger, it miraculously worked. Was bummed when it stopped working and had to find an alternative for lighting my smokes (matches - the poor man's option) but my love the lighter socket has now been revived with the use of my charger. And hey - it's not like the charger is going to affect my lungs.

Yes, after much waiting, I am now charging on wheels.

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