Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sanitizer please!

After creating an office in the back room of my house, my hubi-to-be moved in his computer.

There it was.

Staring at me.

It's dirt and germ-layered surface, silently shouting at me "touch me... I'm germ infested. You know you want to. Touch my germs."

His key board.

Now Chris is not a dirty person, but his keyboard sure was. I guess that's what happens when you don't clean it.

I had to clean it.

Bring on the washing. But wait, let's get out the microscope. I had always thought that the keyboard was old - hence the non-visibility of the letters on the key board. But wait. The germs and dirt has actually layered itself on some of the letters (funnily enough it's always the letters that you use the most). I like to call this "Gunge" or "Gunk". It's almost as bad as when someone has white gunk on the sides of their mouths - a mere sign of dehydration. Puck.

Now, don't judge. Have a look at your keyboard and see that gunk staring at you. I'm sure 99% of the population have dirty keyboards - so don't be pointing your germ-infested finger at Chris.

Did you know that computer keyboards may have nearly seventy times as many germs as the average toilet seat. So hey - working off the loo might be better, despite the stench that lingers up from the toilet bowl.

At least he has a sparkling clean key board now.

But then it make me think about the germs in other areas. Now I am not talking about the common areas like the tiolet or the telephone or your bed (hate to see the germs that climb up your genitalia when you've having the sex) - I am talking about other areas where you don't think of.

One of my favourite is the light switch especially when the surface becomes covered in finger marks and eventually forms a layer of gunk. See picture below. I need to paint mine black as the white shows this gunge even more. (The image below is not of mine)

This goes hand in hand with gunk on the cupboard doors. It sometimes is so hard it's like cement. Hey - that's a cheap form of cement one can use to build houses. Use dirty fingers constantly on cupboards, watch the gunge grow, then scrape off and use.

Another place is the car steering wheel.

Researchers at Queen Mary University in London have discovered there are almost nine times as many bacteria on a steering wheel than on a toilet seat. It's like smeering your bum hole on it 9 times and driving the wheel.

Fuck my car is so dirty it's like a germ incubator. I am actually surprised I am still alive.

Oh well at the end of the day - with one wipe with Sanitizer the germs will be gone.

And if not - there's always working on a toilet seat.

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