Monday, February 13, 2012

Butternuts and kidney stones

Hell's bells we have our first butternut. (the image is not ours, but it's sure like it)

Yes it's a baby one - the size of a male testicle - and yes it's only one, but hell's bell's we have one. Hey... maybe that's why it's called a butter...nut - because it looks slightly like a ball, a testicle.

It takes a true 'farmer' to really appreciate this moment, to really be grateful for the growth on his or her farm. Our butternut is fast growing - it's reached puberty even before our tomatoes (which we planted ages ago). Yup, our tomatoes are slow bloomers.

What makes this moment even more special is that a butternut is one of the hardest plants to grow and we did it! It's like giving birth to kidney stones in a hospital bed, when your friend next to you is giving birth to a human baby. It's small but you're still filled with pride(watch the Friends episode with Joey)

Wow, our farm is definately growing (lil' butternut at a time) and country living is getting better each day.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Stace ... Butternut Soup for Winter! :)

    ♥ Marina B
