Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Caffeine Conversion

I used to L.O.V.E Coke. Now I L.O.V.E Coffee.

Both equally tasty, both bad for you.

As I long time addict to Coca-Cola, I finally weened myself off and got onto coffee - not thinking that they both had caffeine in it (DUH!). I can't go a day without my coffee fix. Yup, in the morning - straight to the kitchen to make my coffee. (And can you believe I used to be a tea-lover!)

I have undergone a caffeine conversion.

Did you know that 335ml coke contains about 30-35mg of caffeine; whilst a generic instant coffee contains 240ml about 27-173mg of caffeine? Best be getting back to coke, although with Coca-Cola comes rotten teeth, sugar-sugar-sugar and if it can clean blood off tar roads, then imagine what it does to your body! But in the same breath (a coffee breath I might add) - with coffee comes 2 and half spoons of sugar per cup for me and if you're having at least 2 cups a day then that equates to 7 and a half sugars. That still beats a can of coke that has about 10 spoons of sugar in it. So when it comes to either coke or coffee - it's a no win situation.

I've GOT To give up coffee and caffeine and leave conversions to game of Rugby.

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