Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Laytop losers and coffee convicts

Walking into News Cafe, is like walking into a portable office.

I don't know what it is about coffee shops, but they've become the newest work office location.

There's something nice however about getting out your laptop at a coffee shop, with a cuppa' coffee by your side.

I'm sitting at News Cafe and all I can see is laptop losers all around me. Most of them are in suits and look smart, and here's Stacey in her ug boots looking like she just rolled outta bed.

I wonder what those people are doing on their laptops? I bet some of them are just posing.

Nevertheless it beats working from home infront of the TV. Working here gives you some sort of pride. So even if you are just posing, you feel like you are doing something worthwhile.

Gotta love those laptop losers and coffee convicts.

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