Thursday, September 26, 2013

The pig

Sometimes in life you come across 'The Pig'.

The egotistical arsehole that gets a kick out of 'being the man', treating people like shit and trying to portray the 'awesome' person he/she apparently once 'was'.

The pigs habits:

1. Having sudden outbursts of childishness in the form of playing stupid pranks on others
2. Flirting with other 'pretty people' who are in a position where they have to positively respond
3. Professing stories of it's many, many (MANY) accomplishments, rewards, people (or other pigs) it knows
4. Ignores 'normal' pigs

The pigs likes:

1. Getting its ego rubbed (24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year)
2. Pretty pigs
3. Being superior
4. Belittling others indirectly (but knowing full well it is doing it)

The pig dislikes:

1. People who have a mind and a voice
2. Being told off, or being confronted
3. People who show independence, dominance, intelligence

How to handle the pig (before giving the pig a lecture):

1. Grab a baseball bat
2. Swing hard and far
3. Aim for the face
4. Point and laugh

How to lecture the pig (when down on the floor in pain):

1. No you are not toned and have muscles... they have turned to fat... clearly
2. You're not clever... you are down right fuck'en stupid
3. You have friends that are younger than you... to make you feel better in yourself
4. Nobody actually likes you... behind your back... EVERYONE HATES YOU!

And no I won't stand for it... I won't stay in your pig sty.

If it were to me, you'd become pork.

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef and this little piggy had none. YOU'RE KNOWN OF THESE PIGS... you're the bacon rashes on my plate.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The art of baby making

Right... so after numerous attempts to try and place images on this blog, it has failed. Just as I have not mastered the art of posting images on this blog (it used to work!)... so have I not been able to master the art of baby making.

Seems as if one needs to go to 'baby-making' school (but hey, maybe the school is like Hogwarts!)

The universe is one funny thing. Growing up I have always been the paranoid type. Give me a worry and I'll be sure to worry about it. Give me a thought and I think it right through. Give me a minor problem and I'll be sure as fuck to make it into a mountain. I have always stressed about falling pregnant since being with Mr Woensdregt... always used double, even triple, precaution and worrying myself sick before my red friend was supposed to arrive. Google, Google, Google, stress, stress, stress, smoke, smoke, smoke. It WAS a worry in my life... I didn't want to fall pregnant at that time and did everything in my power to stop it from happening.

8 years later.... What the hell was I worrying about?

I have been off the pill for two years... (no condom, no precautions) ... two frigg'in years and still no baby. Still no minature Woensdregt running around with tiolet paper hanging out its little bum. Still no pregnant belly. Still nothing.
I shit you not, if I had known then what I had known now, I would have never wasted my money on the contraceptive pill, or destroyed any type of sensation from using condoms. My pocket and sex episodes would have been a lot better! The universe would have played a cruel, sick-ass joke on me... Here Stacey... worry yourself sick about something that might never happen.

Now I am not saying I can't fall pregnant. I have not been tested yet, neither has the Mr jerked off in a cup (lucky cup!) So faith and hope is still there. All in good time my son, all in good time.

It's just funny. Growing up into puberty all girls want is their red friend. Since being introduced, and from the time a female becomes sexually active, all she hopes for is that is comes for its monthly visit. It just has to come. As a young adult trying to fall pregnant, all a lady wants for it is to go away, to be welcome a baby. Then we grow old and frail and wish we'd have our red friend around instead of the dreaded menopause. Our red friend is both our friend and enemy. Shame, poor red friend. You only want it around when it suits you. Selfish bitches!

Now all I want for my red friend is to go away. But like clockwise, there she is, showing her ugly face at the beginning of every month. I feel like Charlie (in the Chocolate factory)... buy a pregnancy test and hope, and pray, that it turns out positive. Just as Charlie searched all the chocolate bars to find his golden ticket... so will I search all the pregnancy tests for a positive result. I buy them so much now it's like buying milk. "Hi yes, I'd like to 2 litres of milk and a pregnancy test." I am making my local stores bloody rich!

I used to clock watch, time my ovulation, have scheduled sex and really make an effort to fall pregnant. Men... if you want a great sex life hook up with some one, or marry someone, who wants a child. You'll never ever have blue balls, but your penis must be worse for wear. Now a days, and for the past few months, I haven't tried to fall pregnant. I've just kind of forgotten about it. It'll happen when it's right I guess.

So to all the ladies out there who are trying to fall pregnant.... I hear ja. I hear ja loud and clear. It's frustrating. But hey... at least we get to try all the different sex positions that could 'improve chances of falling pregnant." I am not complaining (neither is Chris.) So I'll keep watching TV with my legs up (ladies... you know what I mean), keep hoping that my period won't arrive and that one day I'll get my 'golden ticket'.

It's just so wierd... we spend our lives worrying about things that may never happen. Clearly. So stop the worrying, hump like rabbits and we'll all be as lucky as Charlie.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The low down....

Thanks to Themikeappel... a blog I frequently read that sports the same love for Tequila (THE GOLD STUFF) that I have... I have decided I need to blog again.

Fuck it's been too long. And thinking of writing a million and one blogs about each thing I have gone through since July (Holy shit... I haven't blogged since then - smack ruler on hand*) I thought I'd compress it into one blog... like trying to stuff cheese through a key hole. (It just might work!)

Finger fun (I can see you sexually minded people giggling to yourself)
I have become a girl.. or should I rather say become feminine. My sister-in-law has taught me the art of being girly. Yes, Stacey Woensdregt, now paints her finger nails. No they don't have sparkles or fancy designs... they are more on the lines of plain black and not painted as well as the professionals do it.. but hey, they still look good when I flick you the finger behind your back! It's nice being a girly girl... make up on, nails done, hair done.... yes, 2 minutes extra to look that much better is worth it!

My sister-in-law, bless her cotton socks, is OCD. Now I am not.. actually far from it. I don't live like a hauder, nor do I eat out of trash can, but I'm not the neatest person in the world. However, living with an OCD person tests your patience. It teaches you something. I have learnt from her and have adapted her OCD to conform to my life.. and hey... cleanliness doesn't hurt anyone. But for those really manic OCD people... there's more to life to worry about, more in life to do than worry about this cleaning or that cleaning. And (no offence)... if you are that OCD... you have too much time on your hands. Go find a job!

The young can teach
Living with some one or being around some one who is younger than you makes you realise how much older you are, how you have grown as a person and how you will never be that care-free drunk young'en passed out in the club tiolet again. (Oh those were the days!) It's nice... nice to know that you are moving up, growing as an individual and have surpassed so much.

Self worth & fuck you
Over the past few weeks I have gone through life changing experiences. These experiences have taught me the value of myself, that I won't stand for shit, that I can tell you to go screw yourself and it's fine, that I won't settle for poor standards and I am me, and I am great! No need to tell you the finer details, all you need to know is that I finally have self worth and I love it. What a blessing it is to know your own worth. I advice everyone out there to go and find themselves, love themselves.

Go with the flow
Wow, life is incredible when you let go of the reins and go with the flow. From a person who stressed her nuts out about being fired to having no cash (this was a few years ago), to being self employed and with nothing to spare, it's nice to know that now that I have gone full time again that I never have the fear of being fired. What a liberation I tell 'ja. When you reach rock bottom, it's no longer the boogie man taunting you at night. You've been there, realised rock bottom's name is Bob and you have become friends with him. When you have 'jumped off the cliff' and taken a risk in your life, everything flows. Spiritual as it may sound, it does. And over the past few weeks and months, I have seen how the universe works, how the flow of life commences and how, if you let it, life guides you anyway. Wow... what a realisation. (Cheers to Racoon for helping me realise this!)

A new love
After being bitched at by my landlords for my garden being to dry (Come on now... it's winter for fuck sakes) I have started watering my garden. Wow... it's my new hobby. Nothing beats watching the sun set as you hear the sprinkler on the plants or watch the water loosely drip off the petals (sounds like a porno). Can't wait to get home and see the 'hosepipe.'
So life is ticking on, just as it should. Learn a lesson here, grow a little there.

Life is a rollercoaster, ride it!