Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I have so much work to do... but got distracted by another blog... and decided to blog. That's what happens when you dabble in a bit of wine with the view of yachts and blogging. Damn you blogs and your stupid addiction!

In a nutshell, went to the doctor, was told I have tongue Leukoplakia (pre-cancerous cells) and have been riddled with anxiety and depression. Went to a PROPER dentist today (who didn't point a Jesus on a cross at me for being an ex-smoker) and he said I had neither. My tongue was fine, no cancer to report. Jumping around the dentist's room you would be sure that I have firecrackers up my butt. Hallelujah (As Mr Bean would sing it!).

The thing is, when someone tells you that you have a fatal disease or something that will kill you, it's like someone slapping their willy against your forehead without warning.. you become in total shock. Everything stands still and you become covered in a cloud of OH MY FUCK! It's this OH MY FUCK that turns your life around. Makes you stop doing certain things and doing others, or doing less of things and more of others. But when you're an ex-smoker, all you can think about is smoking. It's a habit and a delicious one at that. So if you don't smoke, your body is healthy but you brain is not. Who says being miserable can't affect your body? The body speaks the mind after all. So this got me thinking about balance. Balance in life is key. Too much of non-balance and you may as well fall off the cliff or the edge of the building you've been standing on for a while.

It's like too many strawberries and too little cream. It doesn't work. Too much sex will leave your vagina raw, too much drinking and you'll become the locally well-known leg spreader or drunken goose. Too much smoking and you'll get lung cancer. Too much over eating and you'll be able to hide things under your fat rolls. But people need to let go, have fun, have a juicy pastry now and then and a party here and there. We can't all live in a hole like those online gaming geeks now can we? No. That's not life and that's sure as fuck not living. Even Jesus drank wine and ate bread. And if he can do it, then so will I. But I will do it "within moderation". It's all about moderation in life, the key to life is balance.

With a scare, and a shock, I take what the Universe, or Jesus, showed me and will apply it to my life. May all of you have balance in your life. Have your custard Danish, but then have sex afterwards to burn off the calories. Have a drink now and again, but lace it with water. Mediate. Play. Work. Fuck around. But find balance in all that we do, think and say.

Here's to being the elephant that can balance on a small ball.

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