Friday, September 10, 2010

The mule

This is the most perfect picture if I have ever seen one. Now, slap a picture of my face on the mule - and this is the ideal picture to depict my current status.

Stacey Rowan is this mule - Carrying a way-too-big load. Shame, poor ass.

I am suffering from B.O.

Not body odour - Burnt Out Syndrome.

I am now feeling the physical effects of my mental state. Stress & busyness has manifested and transformed into physical exhaustion.

1 cup of coffee, 1 vitamin, 2 bottles of Lucozade's = no help.

My body is screaming: "Fuck you Stacey, you need sleeeeeeeeppppppp. Fuck you Stacey, you need to relax. Fuck you Stacey, you need a holiday!"

I can't concentrate. Things go in one ear and out the other. This is what my emails comprise of...

'ajkfidgifygf bdhsvdhbffn efjgrig efiurgfirgnhbg fdskdigfd'

This exhaustion is making me backwards.

Stupid Burn Out - how long will this last?

I wish you were like B.O. - just one spray and you'd be gone...

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