Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spring has sprung

It's the 1st of September - Spring Day.

This needs to be celebrated.

I can hear the birds tweeting, bees buzzing and people pomping (the season brings with it a new energy for sex, for some odd reason). The sun is shining, flowers are blossoming and there is this energy to the air, a sense of vitality.

It's spring day and everyone is wearing bright colours. Then there's me - all in black. But hey, my shoes are pink so that should count somewhat.

I'm secretly optimistic. It's weirdly great!

Happy Spring everyone!

We can now look forward to whales on the beach wearing teeny tiny bikinis, body odour for those who suffer from heat, blindness caused from looking at those whose skin haven't seen the sun for months, ants and mosquitoes, hay fever and not forgetting the change-of-season sickness that we are all bound to experience.

Farewell my good friend Winter.

"Spring has sprung!" - Enjoy it!

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