Monday, March 14, 2011

It's arrived!

I'm going to announce it to the world.

My bed has arrived!

After 5 months of waiting and paying through my ass, it's finally here.

Wow, it's amazing when you work yourself stupid to pay for something - live on beans and toast and wear jeans that have a whole in the backside - and the thing you have been paying off finally arrives, the appreciation and feeling of achievement is priceless.

I have lived on the bones of my ass in order to get this bed. I have never had my own bed - only ones that have been passed down, seen other naked bums and have caused my scoliosis to worsen.

Now, I have a bed of my own.

I'll call her Athena.

She turns one today.

Yes, Athena & Chris and I will have many memories (sounds like a 3-some)

And tonight, when my feet climb into the clean sheets and my back feels as straight as ever ... I'll think "Wow, I actually did it".

Looking forward to the first good night sleep in years.

PS: Harry and Sally (my two dogs) - the bed is a no-dog zone (...let's see how long that lasts.)

PPS: Now to get a cupboard and side lamps and my sex cave will be complete.

1 comment:

  1. it was worth the wait! Yup I wonder how long the animals "ban" will last...Enjoy!
