Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I made PIE!

I made pie.

Well, technically speaking ... I made quiche.

Not just any quiche. Quiche will a home-made short crust pastry.

Now I am not a kitchen novice, I know how to cook and I do it well. But pastry is not one of my forte's.

...until today.

I have always wanted to be a pastry chef, and today MUST be the start of it.

No measuring, just the use of my (missing until now) pastry making skills.

Behold the perfect pastry below.

It's like I have given birth, I am so proud.

But wait it gets better... see below.

Perfecto! Born-up-a-tree

Filled with onions, green peppers, ham, egg/mustard mixture and tomato it cooked perfectly. The pastry was perfection, and a true sign of a good pastry is that is doesn't stick. It slipped right out of the dish with ease.

Here is a slice with some chutney (made by one of the farmers here in Hartbeespoort dam)

*PS: Besides getting splattered with hot tomato juice in my face when cutting the quiche into slices, this was a culinary success! Most chefs get finger cuts to show that they cook, yet Stacey gets blisters on her eyes.

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