Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Salami Wurst

I just had a cheese, tomato and salami sandwich. Delish...

I now have a 'salami smile' on my face.

I love Salami wurst.

Who knew that pigs ears and feet, cow testicles and scrotum, pig cheeks and eye balls and other discarded off-cut meats mashed into a pulp could taste so good!

I love Salami so much that I am actually dedicating this blog post to the meat.

One day I'll try Salami and a block of chocolate, preferably Top-Deck, together (I sound like a pregnant female with unusual cravings like chewing on a brick or eating sawdust and Bovril together)

I think it's the liquid that oozes from the cow's scrotum, in the wurst, that makes it taste so good.

Now I don't know the origins of Salami, but I'll just say it's from Germany.

'Dis goed wurst, Danke Germans'

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