Monday, May 16, 2011

Country Liv'in

I'm going country.

Over the past few days my world has changed 360%. In a nutshell, I have been volunteering at HAWS (animal shelter) and have been thinking about adopting dogs. Living in an estate, this was not happening. So I sat my parents down (like a teenager sitting down with her parents about to state that she's preggers) and said that I was thinking about moving out somewhere in order to be able to foster and adopt some dogs. I wasn't planning to move out yet, maybe in a few months...

But life is a funny thing...

I went the next day to view a house on a farm (for shits and giggles - like a wanna-be bride trying on wedding dresses just to pass time) and it was luv at first sight.

I found my dream home.

Porch around the side and front of the house, massive garden, old wooden floors and pine doors, four large bedrooms and the owner said I could have many dogs. It is on Pecannut farm and the views from the house are breath-taking. There's also a fireplace too (I'm blessed). Is this not a universal sign?

It took me ONE hour to decide.

So I'm movin to the country... well... farm.

I'll be planting herbs and doing up the garden - in true farmer style with dirty pants and a plumbers crack.

Making chutneys and pastry from scratch.

Living with the bugs and the bees.

Listening to the quiet sounds of nature.

I'll also be adopting 3 dachshunds - Milton, Lady and Odis. They are gonna love it.

I'll be terribly sad to leave my folks but at least I'll know that I'll be giving these dogs a good life.

I look forward to country liv'in.... I'm sure I'll make a damn fine farmer's wife!

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