Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I know

I'm a person who has, throughout my almost 25 years of living, continued to search for 'myself'. I've always looked to books, spiritual courses, other people's opinions etc to find out who I am. I have always thought "Okay, if I read this book or if I go to this course I'll know who I am, and by the end of the book or course I'll have the answer to the question I have always been asking.... Who am I?"

I spoke to this man one night at a pub, and he gave me the key that unlocked something in my brain.

He said: "You already know. You already know that you know. You know."

I have always been hard on myself and have always thought that I needed to struggle, or go through a hard journey, to figure things out. I consciously put myself through these journeys thinking that only after such soul-searching then I would have the answers. It's like I could never have had it easy. (Notice the past tense). I could never be one of those people who had it all, and had it easy.

Well I am NOW one of those people. I have come to the realisation that I don't have to go through soul-searching to know who I am. I already do.

I know that I know.
I accept that I know.

I have always felt that I was 'missing' something in my life. That I was missing 'me' as I didn't know who I was. But now that I know, I don't miss anything. I makes me feel happy.

I am content.

I am content because I know.

It's hard to explain, but just know that for the first time in my life, the weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I no longer feel that I have to struggle to find 'me'.

I know who I am. I know that I know. I accept that I know.

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