Sunday, August 28, 2011


We got Ron, our boxer, just over a month ago from the SPCA Brakpan - one of the many dog shelters in SA.

He was conviscated from a home where he had been living for a year, and was badly neglected - he had bad manje and was starved.

The SPCA kept him for a few weeks thereafter to help him gain weight and help his manje.

We waited long for him.

He waited long for us.

Last night we got home and Ron was vomiting blood. We rushed him to the vet, 40 minutes away.

Bad news. Heart breaking news.

Ron had a heart murmur and had a condition where he had fluid in his lungs. Ron was dying. This came as a shock, a disbelief. He was eating, playing with the swing tyre and running around the farm, happy as can be. I didn't understand. Surely if a dog was ill, they would not eat and just lie around. The vet said that he was born with this, his body has adjusted to the condition and his body knew no better. But then his body just gave up.

I was there when they put him down. His head was on my shoulder. He went into a peaceful sleep.

I won't vent. I won't get anger. I won't question God.

This is God's will.

Chris is devastated. I had to be the stronger one. Alot of bad things have been happening to me lately and for some reason I have pulled out this inner strength, which I never knew I had. God has helped me to do that.

I have to be stong for Chris.

If I think about it now, Ron lived a life of neglect. We showed him love, we showed him that there are caring humans in the world. That he was worth all the attention - and all the love we gave him. I think he waiting all that time in the bad house, all that time in the SPCA to come to us. He needed to be loved and he recieved it. He left this world knowing that he was loved more than anything. At least he has a place where his spirit can now be. Running around on the farm. Sitting next to the willow tree in our garden catching the rays of the sun. If he has died in the SPCA or that home, his spirit would have stayed there. That's why he waited.

We waited for him.

He waited for us.

RIP Ron. We love you. We miss you.

We will wait again some more until we are reunited in Heaven.

You left us too quickly. I think we loved you SO much that that empty gap in your heart was fulled quickly.

I'll be sure to play that sixties song 'Do Ron Ron' and dance around and remember you - just like that day when we danced together.

You are in Heaven now with Joey and Dukey and Tibby and Boozey. Just like Duke was there to collect Joey, Joey was there to collect you, our dear Ron.

Rest in peace my boy.

Your mommy and daddy love you like you have no idea.

Like I whispered in your ear before you went to sleep - be around us, watch over us, come visit and may we see you around the house sometimes.

Our DoRonRon xxx

27 August 2011 RIP

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sweaty armpits, whales and exposed hairy legs

The 1st of September is next week - Spring day.

Small green buds are appearing on the trees; crickets are making noises and frogs are croaking. (Chris, my nature-enthusiast boyfriend, says it's the first signs of Summer.)

I can't wait for Summer, although there are a few things that Summer brings with it, which I can actually wait for:

1. Sweaty armpits. B.O. Alert.

Yes, I sometimes have those wet patches. Best be stocking up on deo anti-perspire roller. Although there is an upside to these little wet patches. When it's very windy, lift up your arms. Wait a bit. Then put your arms down and the patches feel cold. Yes - the little joys of my life.

2. Hot cars which have been heating up in the sun whilst parked. This equals more sweaty armpits.

3. Right guys - it's time to be on whale watch alert.

But these type of whales we don't find in the sea. They are in the public swimming pool; sitting next to you on the beach or at a friend's pool party.

Summer is the time to expose those flabby bits and white reflective skin. Some expose a little more then they should but hey, it makes for good whale-watching. I don't think I've ever been in a bikini in front of people. I too have 'The Flab' and my skin resembles snow white. But at least I have rock pools by my house where no one can see, so I can be a 'whale' in my own time and space. The only whale-watcher there will be Chris, but hey - he loves my flab. I'm his favourite 'whale'.

4. Oh gosh.

Summer brings with it short skirts and pants. Now ladies, you can no longer hide those hairy, non-maintained legs under your long pants.

Oh poo balls.

I hate shaving my legs. Damn tedious. Time to bring out the razor, which has rusted over time as it hasn't been used for a while.

In summer, it's now shaving every two days. And we can't get out of this. We can't even cheat and shave up the knee. One needs to shave the WHOLE leg.

Ag dear.

But apart from the sweaty armpits, whales on show and hairy legs - I'm looking forward to summer. Hiking, swimming in the rock pools, leafy plants, flowers blossoming and warmth - yes please.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The circle of life

I watch how you all get older and how the wrinkles show up on your face
Your bodies become aged, you all no longer have your youthful grace
Times is ticking by fast and the circle of life starts to turn
New life comes in whilst your flame becomes dimmer; no longer does it brightly burn

Ailments and illnesses slowly start to infest in your body which once was so young
These are signs that the circle of life has begun

I don't want to watch you get older, I don't want to watch you get sick
It's just a reminder that the 'life' clock is going tick, tick...tick
I want you all to be young forever, I never want you to leave
Thinking of this, I cry... wiping my tears on my sleeve

I want you to be there for my wedding, and when I say I do
I want you to be there for my achievements and for when I’m feeling blue
I want you to be there when my kids have their first step and at their 1st day of school
I want you to be there when they cut their knee or have their first swim in the pool
I want you to be there to see your first great grandchild, and stare into his eyes
I want you to be there and wipe his tears away when he cries
I want you to see me when I turn 30 and 40 and fifty or so
Most of all I want you to be there to watch me grow

You have to be strong now, you have to live a long life
If you leave now or even before I’m 50, I’ll live in sadness and strife
I don’t know how to accept that this is the way life is
I wish we could all be around forever and live in happiness and bliss

I know in my heart you’ll make it through, you will all be here for a long time
We cannot control when the heavens will take us, time is not yours… nor mine
But belief and faith is necessary, positivist holds the key
To live a long long happy life together, both you and me

Monday, August 22, 2011

Scream it out to the world

Okay, finally my tongue doesn't need to be held back.

I'm gonna scream it out to the world now.


One more time.... I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNTY!!!

My sister Leigh, is with child (that sounds so formal, like in the olden days)

I am over-the-moon for her. It is what she has wanted for so long and her dream is finally a reality.

This is the first time I am going to be an aunty. Showeeeeee. I'll be the cool aunty Stace who let's Leigh's child smoke, swear and have big parties. KIDDING - Leigh would kill me.

So I bet it's a boy. Who wants to bet with me? KIDDING AGAIN.

Oh I do hope it's a boy. (As I'm supposed to have the girl, te he)

Friend's of Leighs are saying they are going to be aunties, but I, Miss Stacey Rowan, am an Aunty BY BLOOD. BY BLOOD PEOPLE! So don't be stealing my thunder. (*wink)

But on a serious note, I am so excited. I can't believe that we're at that time of our lives for making babies and getting married, the old ball 'n chain.

Leigh and Toddy, I am overjoyed for you. You both are so blessed and Riley will grow up in a home where he or she is loved everyday, in every way.


(PS. Yes Leigh, you got your wish of bearing the first child - the first grand child out of us siblings. You see, I waited for you and didn't steal your thunder. YOU OWE ME...)


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Stacey Rowan: Novelist

I did it. I actually finally did it.

I sent through my manuscript (3 chapters of my book) to Pan MacMillan, a South African book publishing company.

After 12 years of writing, it's time. It's time to reveal my book, Lessons Learnt to the world.

In 6 to 8 weeks, I'll know if they want to publish it or not. But the psychic, who I went to see on Friday, said that my book will be published. I know it will be.

I'm excited. I've taken a step towards my goal, my dream.

Hopefully soon I'll be blogging about how my booked is going to be published.

Yes... I, Stacey Rowan, will hold the title of novelist, published author.

Exciting Times!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I am a helper.
I am a care giver.
I am an advisor.
I am a healer.
I am a purpose.

I am mother to Harry and Sally, Milton, Lady and Odis
I am daughter to Rosie, Mom, Bridget and Hugh
I am sister to Leigh, Sam and Zayne
I am a friend to many
I am a girlfriend to Chris
I am a niece
I am a cousin

I am a business owner
I am a journalist
I am a writer
I am an entrepreneur

I am many things. I am me. I am Stacey Rowan.

I know who I am. I accept who I am. I love who I am.

Friday, August 12, 2011

R.I.P Joey

Blogging about death or any of my friends, family or dog's passing is not something I want to do, nor do I get any fulfillment out of it.

But, respect needs to be paid. We need to honour the passed.

Joey, my mom's white toy pom dyed last night. He got run over by a car just a few feet outside our house. He was only about 3 months old.

I can't begin to explain how much joy he brought in our lives, even if it was for just a short while. He was there for my mom and gave her unconditional love when she needed it, when she was at a low point. That made me happy.

As per the image above, he was beautiful! Nothing short of cute.

It's always sad when your dog dies, they are part of the family. Our hearts are broken. Devastation.

Don't know why this happened? Trying to figure out a reason, but can't. Trying to figure out a spiritual lesson in this or a universal sign as to why he was taken away from us; taken away so young.

He was loved. He knew he was.

You gave us strength and love Joey Twibbiani (his nickname I'd shout out when I came to the house every morning)

Dukey, my other dog who passed away round about the same time last year, came to collect him. They are in heaven together.

Til' we meet again Joey (and Duke), we love you. Rest in Peace our boy. We will think of you everyday and will continue to miss you.

Although I didn't properly hug you that day, just know that I loved you more than you will ever know.

We love you.

RIP Joey xxx

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Feminity in nature

Finding this seed pod on the ground at a game reserve whilst visiting friends, I HAD to blog about it!!

I don't mean to be crude but doesn't it look like a..? For those sexually pruned individuals, you won't know what I am talking about.

But isn't it interesting how nature also shows gender? The female and the male? Well this pod certainly shows femininity.

I'll be keeping it for funny sake. A good conversation piece if you will.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Stacey's Blogging Book Club

Right, here is the second edition to my blogging book club.

Although not a book, Odyssey Magazine(SA) ranks top of my list of new magazines to read.

It's the first of it's kind and I am so delighted! A magazine that resonates with me.

If you're a spiritual fundi you're gonna love this! With articles about spiritual beings, workshops, reiki, emotions and healing to name a few, this is your all-in-one spiritual kit.

The style, tone, layout, design and articles are beautiful. These are all kept on my shelf for back referencing and for when I need a 'pick-me-up'.

This is not a magazine to be read on the tiolet (this will be degrading to the magazine) - this is one to be read with a cup of lemon and mint tea outside on the garden.

Happy reading & soul searching!

Pay up bitch!

I am broke. It's the beginning of the month and I have no money.

The funny thing is, and I'm sure you can all relate, is that when you have no money you have to pay up bitch. The toilet breaks, or you have to go the doctor for a very rare flu virus that only hits one out of a million people.

Why is it that when you have no money, everything just fucks out? Or you have to pay unexpected bills that you have no money for.

Like I said, I am broke (yet not despaired) and two days ago I found a worm showing its face to the world out of one of my dog's bottom. So deworming tablets were in order. But not one, 6! I have six dogs and if the worm is brave enough to show face on one dog's arse, then I am sure that the worm has family relatives in the other dogs. Then, if my dogs have it, then surely I must have it. That's two more deworming tablets to get - one for me and one for my boyfriend. So that's eight. That's a total of about R170 that I don't have. But I got them anyway. So although I am broke still (even more so now), I am worm-free.

Then, yesterday my power supply on my laptop decides its had enough and blows up. That's another estimated R350 I don't have to replace it.

Oh crap balls.

Oh let me just go into my 'in case of emergency' bank account and draw out some funds. I wish. I don't have that either.

Strange how this happens - it's like the universe says "Oh you are down, lets just kick you in the nuts where it hurts."

But hey, this is life and this shit happens. We just have to deal with it.

I believe that the universe makes plan. It always does.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Baking is not for me

I love to bake. But baking doesn't love me.

I made 'fairy' cakes which, on the recipe, states that they should be light and fluffy. Stacey's 'fairy' cakes were hard rocks. So hard that you could throw them against a wall and the wall will break. Hey - they'd be great for using as weapons!

Last night I then attempted to make bread and butter pudding. Isn't a dessert supposed to be sweet? Mine was bordering the savoury side? Weird. Let's just say that half out it, including the crusts that were not soaked as I made to little mixture, were chucked in the bin.

Is this a hint? Has my oven won the war; must I succumb to it's victory?

Bakers always say that you should know your oven. Well, I've only known mine for 2 months since I recently moved in. Best be getting more acquainted then. So how does one bring on the charm with an oven? Any flirting techniques suggestions? But isn't an oven always 'hot'?

No, thoust shalt not succumb. I'll gather my arsenal of weapons - measuring cups and bowls, wooden spoon and flour - Stacey won't be giving up on this war.

More recipe successes (or failures) to follow.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday 'Stroll'

Chris and I went for a walk/hike yesterday. As you know we live on a farm and there's so many cycling, walking and hiking trails.

Now I am not one for fitness and walking up a flight of stairs will leave me gasping for air - lungs heaving, throat burning whilst I lay half-dead on the floor (the disadvantages of being a smoker.)

But we woke up wanting to do something adventurous and outdoorsy... and off we went with a 2 litre water bottle and walking stick in hand.

Wow wee I can't even explain how beautiful it was. I was in awe the whole time.So grateful to be in nature. So grateful that we live on this land and have this opportunity to go on hikes through streams, dams, bamboo forests and bush.

I didn't realise how hiking and being outdoors can make you feel so revived. And seriously, for the worry and thinker that I am, it takes your mind off anything.

Want to de-stress - go for a hike
Want to clear your mind - go for a hike
Want to feel content - go for a hike
Want to feel blessed - go for a hike

We walked for about 1.5/2 hours - about 15 to 20kms and I didn't complain once. Normally I moan and groan - "oh my feet hurt, I'm tired, I'm hot and bothered" - but none of this. The hike wasn't to extreme. I had sweaty armpits but a nice "healthy sweat glow." The whole time I was complimentary, stating I was happy I was etc.

This can become addictive!!

Next time, I'll pack the picnic basket and have a picnic in the forest. The time after that, I'll pack my swimming costume and swim in the rock pools (at least my flab can hang out, my white reflective skin can be exposed and no one will see.)

This summer is going to be full of outdoorsy moments.