Monday, August 22, 2011

Scream it out to the world

Okay, finally my tongue doesn't need to be held back.

I'm gonna scream it out to the world now.


One more time.... I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNTY!!!

My sister Leigh, is with child (that sounds so formal, like in the olden days)

I am over-the-moon for her. It is what she has wanted for so long and her dream is finally a reality.

This is the first time I am going to be an aunty. Showeeeeee. I'll be the cool aunty Stace who let's Leigh's child smoke, swear and have big parties. KIDDING - Leigh would kill me.

So I bet it's a boy. Who wants to bet with me? KIDDING AGAIN.

Oh I do hope it's a boy. (As I'm supposed to have the girl, te he)

Friend's of Leighs are saying they are going to be aunties, but I, Miss Stacey Rowan, am an Aunty BY BLOOD. BY BLOOD PEOPLE! So don't be stealing my thunder. (*wink)

But on a serious note, I am so excited. I can't believe that we're at that time of our lives for making babies and getting married, the old ball 'n chain.

Leigh and Toddy, I am overjoyed for you. You both are so blessed and Riley will grow up in a home where he or she is loved everyday, in every way.


(PS. Yes Leigh, you got your wish of bearing the first child - the first grand child out of us siblings. You see, I waited for you and didn't steal your thunder. YOU OWE ME...)


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