Friday, August 5, 2011

Pay up bitch!

I am broke. It's the beginning of the month and I have no money.

The funny thing is, and I'm sure you can all relate, is that when you have no money you have to pay up bitch. The toilet breaks, or you have to go the doctor for a very rare flu virus that only hits one out of a million people.

Why is it that when you have no money, everything just fucks out? Or you have to pay unexpected bills that you have no money for.

Like I said, I am broke (yet not despaired) and two days ago I found a worm showing its face to the world out of one of my dog's bottom. So deworming tablets were in order. But not one, 6! I have six dogs and if the worm is brave enough to show face on one dog's arse, then I am sure that the worm has family relatives in the other dogs. Then, if my dogs have it, then surely I must have it. That's two more deworming tablets to get - one for me and one for my boyfriend. So that's eight. That's a total of about R170 that I don't have. But I got them anyway. So although I am broke still (even more so now), I am worm-free.

Then, yesterday my power supply on my laptop decides its had enough and blows up. That's another estimated R350 I don't have to replace it.

Oh crap balls.

Oh let me just go into my 'in case of emergency' bank account and draw out some funds. I wish. I don't have that either.

Strange how this happens - it's like the universe says "Oh you are down, lets just kick you in the nuts where it hurts."

But hey, this is life and this shit happens. We just have to deal with it.

I believe that the universe makes plan. It always does.

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