Monday, March 18, 2013

Business inspiration & the new South Africa

So besides the bartendering, I decided to get some business books from the library and attend the My Business Expo to get inspired for my business. You see, when in a dump or a black hole of morbidity - do something about it. Be proactive, get inspired.

This expo surely left me inspired. The seminar included talks about the magic of success, sales and the power of social media. Just listening to these people is bound to put fire crackers up your butt and do something positive. I came home with such a buzz; ideas following through my head as fast as you can blink.

Listening to how these top entrepreneurs failed and then succeeded, how they persevered and kept a determined mind frame is nothing but wow. It made me realise that I can do this. I came home with notes, a new business perspective and things to do. This is going to keep me busy for a while!

Wow was truly jaw-dropping was the talk on business and social media. I was literally sitting there gasping at how social media has taken over; how creativity and social media can transform even the smallest business and how social media has progressed to such an extent that it seems almost unthinkable. The statistics are awe-inspiring. It's time for me to make my business online, and properly this time - the digital expert way.
It was also inspiring to see the many people that were there; the hopeful entrepreneurs who were starting, or wanting to start, their own business. The audience was predominantly black people and that was great to see. It's a new South Africa and I am so glad to see black people becoming the new business owners, the new inspirers of the next generation. Colour or no colour, we were the hopefuls. The dreamers. The people who wanted to be inspired. Too learn. To go home and transform our lives. And what made me feel even better is that I have a business, I have already gone through the process, gained the clients and groveled... I just had to make it work WELL now. It was the validation that I needed.

True to form, the universe and God were working their magic as they always do. I met this guy and we got to chatting. To make a quick business point, we discussed creating an inspiring event where we'd speak to the less fortunate and inspire the communities. He asked me if I'd like to be a motivator (something I'd always thought about doing) and there was the universal sign. I came to the expo, got inspired and met a possible business partner. I've always wanted to help the less fortunate and this could be the way. So let's keep fingers crossed and soon you might be listening to me trying to inspire you.
Yes, I am definately on the right track mentally and business wise too.

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