Monday, February 16, 2015

Spiritual vs reality: Finding the balance

I have not written a blog for 2015 yet, but hell's bells and Lucifer's balls this is a mighty one to start with.

It's taken me pretty much my whole life and two significant years to be whacked across the face with a life lesson that would inevitably change my whole existence. Powerful stuff 'ey

In nutshell, I've always been a workaholic. I have always looked to the future, worried about life, bills, money and everything realistic in between. Then 2014 happened. And somehow in the months of this unfruitful year I became a 'hippie'. Not in the traditional sense... I did not have dreads, smoke pot or wear multi-coloured robes. (I am not judging those who live this lifestyle so please place ducktape neatly over your mouth before you comment.) What I mean is that I acquired the spiritual way of thinking that these fun-loving people possess.

Let me break it down ... In 2014, I went with the flow of the universe. I denied reality and thought that things would work out. I was living in denial thinking that the plants would feed me and the air would pay my bills. I loved being in this space which I now refer to as 'what the fuck were you thinking!?'

I went from workaholic to freelance writer. Working for myself. One day I finally smelt the burnt coffee and realised that this thinking and this lifestyle was not working for me. It wasn't. I ended up with a shit load of debt, a car that was disfunctional, walking to the shops until my heels bled, and overall in a very unhappy state.

On a journey to get my life in order I got a full time job and a stable income. I started paying off debt. Everything became crystal clear when I spoke to a friend and she spoke words of wisdom. Here's the reality bat, WHAM, BOOF, SMACK! My journey, and every painstaking step became crystal clear. Although her words grinding like cheese on a grater, there was truth. This stuck to my soul like dried Pronutro on a bowl. It forever changed my thinking, the way I saw people and their lifestyles.

I went from being a workaholic to a 'hippie'. I wanted to cram all my dogs in a van and travel the country. Pfft... yea right. It was there that I thought balance was. Wrong. It was only after I returned to work, still thinking in the spiritual way but living in reality, that I realised where balance was. Being a workaholic is one side of the polar express and being a hippie was the other. Either side did not offer balance I so unrealistically thought it did. Yes, the universe (and God) provide you for, yes there is a universal path and we must go with the flow of life, but we also have to eat, live, feed our dogs, take a shit in a toilet which we pay for. When you put your foot in the door and say "Hey, Universe I'm trying here," the universe offers so much more. The rewards are greater because you've found balance.

I am grateful to have crossed the different paths and have travelled the polar express in such an extreme way. I now see both sides of the spectrum. I can understand both the spiritual hippie and the realistic workaholic. Most people will never be able to understand or see eye to eye. It's like putting Santa Claus and the Easter bunny together... they will never find a space of understanding. But I do. I love both sides for what they are, what they have taught me. And as I continue on my path of what I now believe to be balance, I can now look positively into the future with excitement.

May you find your own balance in whatever way it may be. Grow in your spirituality, but remember that we live in a world where money is key and being a responsible being is important. Allow the universe to provide for you, but never just take. Pay it back. As much as I'd love to live on an Island and sit on the beach all day eating bananas, I'm not a monkey. Find the balance and live as a earthling and as a spiritual being. Be a part of all dimensions - balance between living on earth and in the spiritual realm.

So in closing... this was my lesson and I thank everyone and God (Universe) for helping find it. We all have different paths and love everyone for that. No judgments are placed, this is just my own personal opinion for what I have gathered and how I feel about things. But if you find truth or are offended but what I am saying, then maybe the universe is trying to tell you to find balance and if I've taught you a lesson than I am grateful for that.

Till next time monkeys,

Stay lifted, stay balanced

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