Tuesday, November 30, 2010

No Title

Hello Mizz Blog!

It's been a while - it's seems as though I have lost my inspiration to write (everything is happening but nu'thin significant to write about.) I didn't even know what to write as the title.

I am, ONCE AGAIN, in a weird place. A dark place. A lost place.

(But I guess that's what you get when you are an over-analytical stress-freak like I am)

Yes, I am in a dark place again - maybe borderline depressed. But I think that's how everyone is feeling at this moment.. being year end and all.

We are all tired and all in bad fuck'en need of a holiday.

As year ends comes hurling around the corner, I found myself getting busier and busier. Every weekend is fully booked with jobs, every day at work is hectic and now I have to work at night to keep up with the load.

I think I have come to the realisation that I am a workaholic.

I also have joined the 'gig' economy - where someone has a multitude of jobs. I recently got myself another channel of income, but now I am really overworking the system.

Think. Think. Think.

That's all I seem to do these days.

(Oh and watch old movies, Like Disney Cinderella and The Sound of Music, which remind me of my past and take me back to a place where I was happy.) - Fuck, I sound like a morbid.

I am lost with no direction. It's a battle in my head everyday - should I stay? Should I go solo with my business? What am I doing with my life? Am I on the right career path?

Shit, I wish I had the answers to my so-called life.

Yes - a book that fell into my lap with all the questions and accompanying answers would do me a hell'o'va good!

Life at the dam is nice. The driving is severely getting to me though. I found a tick on my neck today (if that's not a "welcome to Hartees" sign, then I don't know what is)

I think I need to look at the small things and not be overwhelmed by the bigger picture and how much needs to get done before the end of the year.

As someone dear said to me "Things will happen, you don't need to force it."

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