Thursday, November 11, 2010


I am changing my energy field.

Being in Hartees, it brings new opportunities - as I always thought it would.
Stagnation be gone!

I am putting my feelers out there. I am putting things out into the universe.

It's almost as if I have a new YEST for life.

I can smell the opportunities there.


Stace-Face Face Painting is hitting Hartees - and BIG. I am branching out the business.
I have placed two adverts in two publications in Hartees to advertise my business. I have also contacted two party suppliers there and have offered my services to them. In harties it's like taking candy from a baby. There are no party planners in that area.... step in STACE-FACE!


I have contacted two people to do freelance journalist work, which are both based in that area. (Weird how the universe works hey!)


Stacey Rowan will now be a horse-poo picker up'per.
I am now going to be with horses. Long story short - a medium told me to be with them. I am a horse whisper. (This probably sounds nuts, but its true. I do have a connection with horses. I still remember Malaga. Oh Malaga. A horse I befriended and a horse I cried over when leaving him) I also want to get back to nature, instead of sitting in front the boring TV set like a vegetable. These muscles need to get a'moving. So I am going to the horse farm on Sunday.


I am in the process of purchasing a massage table bed. It's time to get back into Reiki and start practicing. I am putting my feelers out there in the spiritual world. And, it's about damn time!

Yup, I am definately hoppin' on the opportunity wagon.

..... FULL speed ahead!

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