Monday, July 25, 2011

Putting down roots

At some time in anyone's life, there comes a point when one settles down and puts down roots - whether it be by buying a house, starting a family, getting dogs and so on. These are all factors that cements one in one place.

I am almost 25 and have started putting down roots. This is something foreign to me.
I have always thought that I would live a nomadic life - never putting down any roots that would cement my life. My families live in Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg. I didn't want to be cemented as I wanted the freedom to see all my family and friends.

This term of 'cementing' or 'putting down roots' or 'settling' always puts me on my nerves, making me feel anxious. I generally always fight the way of 'life routine'.

Houses, dogs and babies are things that don't allow you to just pack up and travel, or go on holidays or go and see family and friends in other places. You are bound by these responsibilities.

I have found my perfect home and adopted 6 dogs.
I want to be settled, I want to have a place where I can call home - but in the same breath, it scares me as I can no longer EASILY see family and friends as I have a house to upkeep and dogs to look after.

How do you know when it is the right time to be 'cemented' or 'settled'?
How do you not become scared at the fact that you can't easily see family and friends? And, how do you remove the guilt (feeling guilty for not being able to always see the important people in your life?)
How do you know when you are settled? Cemented?

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