Thursday, July 14, 2011

Stacey's Blogging Book Club

Right, I think I am going to start a blogging 'book club'.

Now, I don't read often (although would love to) but when I come across a book that grabs me it's like a train on steroids... racing through every page, every chapter like a bullet, at the speed of lightening.

In this virtual 'book club' I'll recommend some of the books I read.

Some of my ultimate favourites are:

Mushy Peas on Toast
The Notebook
and recently... (drum roll)

Rachael: Woman of the Night by Rachael Lindsay.

If you are a looking for a great read, this is it.

I went to the library the one day and got two books. And as I was about to leave, something inside me said go back and look again. I did. I found this book. It stared at me. It said "take me, take me."

I did and was en-captured in it's words ever since. After reading it, it's like I want to contact the writer and say how much she has inspired me.

In a nutshell, it's about a woman in a financial hole and she has to become an escort to in order to try support herself and her family.

It's like one of those books that you don't want to end and you feel saddened when it does.

Do yourself a favour and read it.

You'll find yourself connecting with it, resonating with it, seeing yourself in it (although you're not an escort, but her problems you will probably have experienced).

Cheers to the writer, your writing is exceptional!

I wish I didn't have to return the book to the library and keep it in my favourite pile at home - but I'd be fined 10c, for every week it's late....

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