Thursday, June 14, 2012

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

I have a problem and it's officially become bad.. bad to the point that I have to blog about it and confess my illness.

I am sick in the head.

I am that little boy in the movie, the 6th Sense.

You know that part in the movie where he stands in the kitchen and all the cupboard doors are open. Well, that's me everytime I am in the kitchen.
I have an illness, a sickness that makes me leave every cupboard door open. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I cook a meal, turn around and find that all cupboards stand open or ajar. Chris, just raises his eyebrows.

I need to take control of this. I need to take control of this situation. It's actually scarying the living day lights out of me.
I wonder where I get this from?

Well, I think it's from my dad. Upon closer inspection when he came to visit, he too left the cupboard doors open.

The apple must not fall far from the tree then hey?

There... I confess.. it's off my chest now.

Maybe I should go see a psychologist for this?

Damn you cupboard doors and the fact that you don't have the ability to close yourself!

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