Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Back to the stoneage

So since the robbery, I haven't had my own laptop, or my personal stuff which was on it, for 7 days. It sucks ostrich poo balls.

I have resorted to paper. I am working on paper, drawing calenders on paper and no longer working on technological devices. Feels like I am in the stoneage.

I feel lost without it, but having my A4 exercise book to write in actually doesn't make the wound to bad.

Can't wait to be in the 21st century again when I get my new laptop. The stoneage is boring. Although it's nice to know that I don't need my laptop for everything and that my book won't be stolen. I mean, who steals paper?

At least I'll be used to having no technology when Dec 21 hits and all technology is destoyed and it's the end of the world as we know it. Then I'll welcome the stone age and all it's paper.

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