Saturday, March 24, 2012

Having fun whilst saving

After mindless tv watching, I came across the most bing boggling show.


It's my new hobbie. My new favourite thing, along with salad and Drostohof wine.

These people buy BULK and with copious amounts of coupons, they end up saving 97% or more on their purchase. One lady bought products for about 800 dollars and only paid 40 dollars. Better yet, this other woman bought products for 3000 dollars and only paid 87 dollars.

Mind boggling. I think yes.

Going through these people's houses is like walking through their very own Pick n Pay? Rows and rows of products. ROOMS of products.

I wish South Africa was like the USA. Bet the only coupons we probaby get are saving 50c on R27.00 (no value there); coupons are also very few and far between. And to put another damper on my hope, SA coupons have expiry dates - lasting about a week (or if you're really lucky, about a week and a day.)

So how can I, living in SA, be an extreme couponer with there is this drought of coupons? And with food prices icreasing at the speed balls shrink in cold water, these coupons are needed. And needed bad. We're having to resort to beans on toast.

Best me putting my investigator hat on and being Sherlock Holmes. Need to research this. Maybe their are free coupon sites? I don't think it's worthwhile if I have to BUY a newpaper to get a coupon from it. It equals itself out.

But seriously, if I can become an OCD extreme couponer and save bucks, then hell's yes.. pass me the reigns! Better yet, if I get bucket loads of products and have my own Pick n Pay in my home, I'll ge family and friends to come and buy products from me (of course at a cheaper rate then the actual store prices) and then make some money.

This could actually become a business!

I could also donate to charities. Everyone wins! Besides those big food conglomerates - but hey, they rip us off anyway.

This is all just too exciting. I'm off to check the sites!
Call me - Stacey: South African -extremecouponerwannabe-Sherlock Holmes.

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