Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Counting down the days

Can you believe its less then 3 weeks and it'll be my wedding day.

Talk about stress. Even weed-head-Bob Marley, with his chilled-doped-up attitude, would see his balls shrivel with anxiety.
Most of the big things are done, it's just the little things that slip your mind, that cause you to almost pull your hair out.

I am excited though and the hit of marrying Chris - this huge commitment - has come and gone. I'm not refering to cold feet, mine are as 'warm' as ever. It's just the thought of 'Holy crap, I'm getting married!!!"

And it's now that we begin counting down the days.

Stacey Rowan, filled with stress, will not become Bridezilla. By the last week, I would have been all stressed out, that no longer will I worry or feel anxious. Maybe I'll adopt Bob Marley's attitude (without the weed of course)

Everything will fall into place.

I need one final organising day today - just to get all my ducks in a row and finish up on those last errans and things to do. Thank Goodness for my mother, without her I'd be Bridezilla from the moment I'd gotten engaged. Bridezilla that would have killed Bob Marley!

3 weeks baby - 3 weeks.

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