Monday, April 9, 2012


The time is now.

After many incidences with people, I have now realised that I am portraying what I don't want to portray; I am expressing what I don't want to express and am I the very person I don't want to be.

I have issues. Everyone does. I have been aware of them for as long as I can remember. I seek psycologists or physics to give me direction, but have only just reminded myself to look within.

The more I try and hide my issues or avoid them, the more they are right in my face; the more I try not speak about them, the more that's all I speak about. I don't understand why this is, but it just is. And these issues are becoming more and more prevalent in my life, and more noticable to others.

So I have made a decision to start on a journey of self-discovery. I am going to look within; I am going to seek the child within and lay all my issues on the table. I am actually quite excited to get out my old files, old photo's and old memories. Bring out the cardboard and pens - it's time to ask those questions and write down those mind maps. It's all about 'me-time'.

I must not seek others to find clarity, it will come from within.

Let this journey of self-discovery begin.

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