Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Customer service

This is the look I got from the person behind the desk, after waiting for long in the line at SARS (South African Revenue Services); having been notified that my request can not be done as I don't have the correct documents...

Well it wasn't a man, but it was the same posture and same emotionless expression.

Woman: You do not have the proof of residence documents so we cannot process your request

Upset Me: Are you fuck'en serious. I have waited in the line for so long and now you only tell me that I don't have the right documents. Why doesn't anyone tell me what documents to bring?

Woman: There's nothing I can do. Blank stare.

Angry me: I am going to go to your manager and tell him that this is bullshit. Noone tells anyone what to do or bring.

Woman: Shrug. Blank stare.

Vexed me: So there is nothing I can do? (a tear almost came out due to sheer frustration) What a waste of my time

Woman: Blank stare

This is the response I have been getting from a lot of people during the time of registering my business.

They don't help. They don't offer solutions. They just shrug and stare. I am sick of the stare.

I should have said: "Listen here you stupid woman, it's not my fault that working in this boring, cement-like enclosed office dulls you of any emotion."

So, winner of the best starer when it comes to no help, no solutions, no customer service goes to the emotionless woman at SARS.

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