Thursday, May 26, 2011

Winter chills

Winter has arrived.

It hasn't knocked on the door. It has not been invited in. It has rudely gate crashed.

it's cold.

Here are some ideas to keep you warm this Winter:

Save a penny (no need to buy a hot water bottle) and allow your dog to sleep in your bed. I am adopting three dogs, so that's five in total (five hot water bottles in my bed).

Avoid your heater chowing electricity and build a fire. We have a fire place in the new house so we pretty much sorted in this respect.

Kill two birds with one stone - use the oven.
When cooking dinner or your favourite roast chicken meal, open the oven door slightly and warm up. Chicken gets cooked and you get warm. Hey presto!

Make your past clothes present. Rummage through your old clothes that are pushed at the back of the cupboard and starting to smell of moth balls, and put them on. The more the layers the better. You'll look like a snow man or the Mitchelin man, but hey you'll be warm. I need to get some clothes, I have no Winter coverage.

Cuddle. No need for an electric blanket, use your partner. Chris, my hubi, is like a walking heater. One minute under the covers and it's nice and warm. Who says body heat doesn't work?

Well, now we can look forward to snuggling under the covers, drinking hot chocolate and freezing our balls off everytime we have to crawl the bathroom to pee at night. (Ladies, winter is a bitch esp when the tiolet seat is cold)

Winter is here, enjoy the Winter willies.

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