Monday, May 2, 2011

The blind side to HAWS

I watched such an inspirational movie last night - The Blind Side. I recommend it to each and everyone of you.

The movie is about a white women who adopts a black boy. A movie that depicts such hope, such kindness. If everyone can be like that lady - the world is sure to be a better place.

It put firecrackers up my arse!

After watching, I spent the night in bed thinking about how I can help the world; how I could make a difference.

I decided to go to HAWS today - The Hartbeespoort Animal Welfare Society, where they keep stray/abandoned dogs and cats. I bought dog food and cat food. I did my good deed for the day. Everyone should do ONE good deed a day.

Now honestly I am the wrong person to go to a dog/animal shelter. I cry. I get attached. I feel bad for them. I swear, if I could take all those dogs home with me I would. When I have my own place, I'll have so many dogs (and geese, because of the fois gras I spoke about in a previous blog). All 97 dogs will sleep in my bed. (I'll have to get 3 double beds to have the space.)

There was this one dog, Camile. She was an oldish dachshund with a scar on her back. She broke my heart. On first glimpse I cried. I miss her. I wish I could take her home. In my heart I know one day she will be mine. My hubi bonded with another young dachshund, Milton. We'll get him too.

It's just disheartening because no one likes to adopt an older dog. Let alone an older dog with a scar. It's like old people - they are left in an old age home to wither and rot away. I will adopt her though.

Someone said to me: "Why do you put yourself through this, when you know seeing the dogs will only make you sad."

My reply: "Must I be like everyone else and turn on my blind side - turn a blind eye? I'll help HAWS, even if it means I'll be in continual heartbreak.

But I need to be committed to a cause - and HAWS it is. I thought of a great idea: the dogs need blankets, so I'll I'll cut up my old clothes in the garage and make blankets out of them.

I'm going to the shelter tomorrow.

I'm going to see Camile (I now call her Lady) and Milton and all the other dogs.

I'm going to go do my bit. I don't turn a blind eye. I hope you don't either. I hope you help in some way.

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