Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jack of all trades

When it comes to career, I wear many hats. I do many things.

I am a jack of all trades. I am like margarine, spread thinly. The problem with Jack, because he is spread thinly, is that Jack does a half arsed job.
Now I am not one to be half-arsed or do things without doing it to the best of my ability, but what happens when you are required to do a job but are not given the correct supplies or means to do it? It's like you're trying to build a wall without cement? Then it's the question of karma. I am getting paid to do these things, but feel as if I shouldn't get paid as I am not doing my best (although this is not a fault on my behalf). Will Karma kick Jack in the butt?

It's like some people sit at a desk job and do nothing. It is not their fault as the company is going down and there is not much work. Will karma come round to bite them in the arse?

First it's the issue of I want to do my best. I want to feel pride in what I do and leave the tasks knowing that I did a good job and that the remuneration is deserved.

Secondly, I'm tried of wearing a thousand hats. They're getting too heavy. I don't want to be a jack of all trades, I want to be a Jill. Jill does one job and is happy with it. It also provides her with enough remuration for the expensive world she lives in. You see, us jacks, we wear many hats because one hat doesn't give us enough remuneration.

I want one hat. One size, one colour, one design! Or if I am too remain a jack, I want to get the right supplies and tools, and do my jobs properly.

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