Monday, February 6, 2012

Thumbs up, Thumbs down

Okay no need to hold your horses anymore - I feel inspired to write. Lots going on, so am categorising them in thumbs up; thumbs down!

More "what if's?" = Thumbs down
The other night our electricity went off, taking all the workings of the appliances and gadgets with it. Then the lights came back on, but all the appliances; tv; computers and plug points stayed off. I didn't sleep that night. Oh shit, what if they don't come back on and we're left with nothing? Oh shit. It got me thinking - what if everything is blown; or we get robbed; or the house gets flooded? What if? I took this as a sign. GET HOUSE INSURANCE. Luckily, everything worked the next day but I took this as a universal sign and got me some house insurance. Thumbs up for now being insured but thumbs down for this insurance now creating an even bigger hole in my every light pocket. All these what if's - like funeral policies; retirement; insurance for all assets (and the list goes on) - are making me broke. How on earth is anyone supposed to save money with all this paying for what ifs? We are like chicken licken who thinks the sky is going to fall on our heads.

Wedding plans = Thumbs up
Wedding plans are going well. Invites our out. We have signed the wedding contract and just have to hand it in. Chris has signed his life to me (evil laugh). Going wedding dress patterns and fabric shopping tomorrow. All is looking good. I'm the luckiest girl in the world, having the love of my life.

Jobs = Thumbs done

Still doing a job I hate. Every day I think to myself "Why, everyday, do I do something I am not passionate about?" Thumbs done, point blank.

Drinking = Thumbs down
The other night I got drunk off wine and vomited. Shit I hate a hang over. I hate drinking and doing silly shit and then waking up feeling embarrassed, trying to remember the antics I got up to. I think the older one gets, the longer the hangover lasts. I swear, the next day I slept most of the day and still felt like I was shot with a tranquilizer gun. I hate drinking. Even when you're drunk, thinking all 'lekker', it's still a big thumbs down. What's the point of drinking...seriously?

Bladder infection = Thumbs down
Been suffering with this for almost two weeks. Need I say more. Pee. Burn. Pee. Burn. Citris Soda. Burn. Irritable bladder prevention medication. Burn.

Broke ass = Thumbs down

I'm sick of being broke and counting my pennies. Bills, bills, bills, bills, bills, bills. Debt and more debt. Big thumbs down.

Look at this list. I need more thumbs up. My thumb is getting sore from pushing down so much.

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