Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Death by dust

This is what happens when I drive on the dirt road. Although, I have a kia picanto and get fucked up by the billowing smoke that these big cars and fast drivers leave behind when passing me. ... Did I ask for a McDonald dust meal whilst driving?

Living on a farm, I drive everyday on a dirt road. It's starting to really piss me off.

You should see my dash board - well it's so laden with dust you can't even see it. My car is like an incubator for dust. Driving now is like being force fed dust. My teeth become covered in the stuff and to swallow feels like I am licking chalk.
With Winter just about here, the dust is really bad. It's in my nose and my lungs are so badly congested. It's like the world has turned to brown and I'm swamped in dust. All I see is damn dust! Winter is causing death by dust.

So, tonight it's a herbal bath with aromatheraphy oils to try and cleanse the nasal passage ways. Then I'll place my head under steam and inhale the moist air. Then it's a healthy salad to cleanse the inside.

From now on, I'm driving with one of those masks around my mouth - do as the Chinese do!

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