Wednesday, July 18, 2012


You know the movie 'Marley and me' - where they own Marley the 'worst' (but best) dog in the world.

Well we have Dontay - I'm sure he is a replica of the labrador in the movie, although is of Boxer breed. With the way he is... we should have our own movie "Dontay and me".

Although we love him to death and our lives and home would never be the same without him, he really is a naughty fella'.

Jumping over 20 foot high fences (and having to repeatedly make them higher); doing his overly energetic springbuck jump in the back yard; jumping on me in the garden (I feel like he's attacking me, but he's not); never coming inside when called and having to drap him indoors constantly; not being able to walk on a lead, resisting always; and just being overly active. Yes, he's a marley in real life.

We got him neutered today. So this blog is dedicated to his balls. Let's hope they make him more calmer.

He is a great dog and is so loving, just want him to be calmer. So without his balls, let's see if he remains a Marley dog.

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